Blog about groovy fleamarket finds from Finland.

maanantai 29. kesäkuuta 2009

It's time for Hammond Explosion from Germany. This BASF-Cornet release is probably my all time favourite fleamarket find, big hammondfunk fan as I am. Masterpiece of Dieter Reith was released in 1974 and the lp is filled with storming hammonds and super tight drums.

First track to be posted here is called My Kind of Sunshine which starts with ease. However don't let the beginning confuse you, because the real deal starts shortly and then accelerates up, up and through the ceiling. Just funk at it's best in my opinion. The feeling of this track reminds me of library lp's which are allways welcome to my turntables.

The other track from Hammond Explosion is called No No No. A catching brass-drum-hammond -combo all the way to the end. Flavoured with breaks at the beginning and in the middle.

1 kommentti:

  1. Tääkin levy on tuttu jo vuosien takaa, mutta Suomi-kirppilöytönä ihan jeppis kamaa. Ei tule liikaa Saksa-levyjä täällä vastaan ei. Löysin tosin Peter Herbolzheimerin Hip Walkin viime vuonna 3e:llä, mutta poikkeus vahvistaa säännön.

    Tähän sarjaanhan kuuluu 2 muutakin samanoloista levyä eli "Piano Explosion" ja "Guitar Explosion", jotka on about yhtä kovia, kuin tämä Hammondikin.
